Sunday, July 8, 2007

Banyana Banyana

"Banyana banyana" means "ladies...ladies." Today we had a ladies-only outing with some of the women from Granny's family. We've been talking for a while about doing this, and when we planned it for today, I said "It can be for my dad's birthday!" We did all say happy birthday for him, over our snacks mid-afternoon. =)

We grilled chicken and "blankets of meat" (according to Emily) and had far too much to eat for our picnic lunch. Then we played on the playground. Much fun was had by all!

Group picture on a tractor! L to R: Emily, Sophia, Dikeledi, Anna, Sarah, me, Christinah. (I apparently found something really funny at the point this picture was taken.)

Anna, Emily, and Pretty on the swings

Christinah above Sarah, Emily, and me...another tractor pose

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