Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Room with a View

(Bonus points for those who catch the literary reference.) Here's a look out my window.


Kristy said... looks more or less just like California! The jacarandas and lilies of the Nile should make you feel right at home, huh?

How many bonus points do I get?

DMBY said...

That looks so beautiful! What an amazing way to start your day.

Barbara said...

Kristy, you only get points if you prove you know the literary reference. Though I'm pretty confident that you do. =)

I can't wait for spring when the jacarandas will bloom!

Eilonwy said...

I saw the movie first though =P Helena Bonham Carter..and theme song: O Mio Babbino Caro..Hehe. Love your view! Glad you have a nice environment to live and play in. =)